Welcome To My Humble Abode!

13 updates
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Oooh! You now have a song player! Neat! The YouTube link for the current one is a bit broken though... also will you make an archive page of it sometime in the future?
vidapon 10 months ago

having an archive for is a great idea :o i'd like to add one once i'm back in the creative groove! also i've fixed the youtube link; thank you for letting me know :]

excited for whats in store :) html & css are very easy once you get used to it.
1 like
Hii! I'm so excited to see how your journey continues! I wish you all the luck! If you need help trouble shooting send me an email! I may not really understand code too much myself but I'm happy to try to help!
1 like
ay, thanks for the follow!
Thanks for the follow!
1 like
I've been reading The Far End Universe stuff on your site before the major overhaul and gotta say, I love the new layout! Can't to see more of it! :D
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vidapon 1 year ago

omg thank you so much!! knowing people read it means a lot to me <3 i'm hoping to get more pages up soon!

Thanks for the follow!
1 like
federiefederi 1 year ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... it would help a lot! thank you ❤

It can't seem to load the new index properly... I already copied the code into there. come on

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 26, 2023
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