pushing pulled files. nothing should have changed, but it appears that i've broken the jpeg gallery and blogs n stuff.
projects section is untouched though, so i can just use that to restore all other sections.
fixed (took less time than i thought, dont know if other things are broken). note to self: always test changes before pushing.
Thanks! Your projects list is interesting, I want to know more about the RF capturer and video synth. I am currently researching analog video generation to create my own video modules
the rf capturer is something that allows you to capture raw analog signals to your computer using an open source software called vhs-decode (https://github.com/oyvindln/vhs-decode?tab=readme-ov-file). since i still dont have the nessesary cards, i've been trying to figure out what pins im supposed to tap into so that once i aquire the cards necessary, i can get right on it.
as for the video synth, i recently got into video synthesis and i want to try my hands on making my own hardware video synths
i think i typed --dry-run incorrectly on the CLI. this wasnt supposed to update yet but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes i got it
okay good, it could be just gmail then (here's hoping...)