The web site of epharaim

81 updates
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Gonna be completely honest, i don't have the faintest idea what I even want to do with my website. I feel like until I learn some CSS it won't be worth making any edits, but when I try to sit down and learn CSS I just can't get over the initial hurdle. I'm sure I'll do something eventually but uh, not sure when that'll ever happen.
numbersstory 6 months ago

what part about css are you struggling with? i might be able to help

epharaim 6 months ago

The biggest thing that I'm struggling with is how to apply different fonts to certain parts of a page (like if i want the header to be in one font and the body in a different one). Everything else *vaguely* makes sense from a code perspective but the fonts have me stumped for some reason.

numbersstory 6 months ago

if you have a discord i might be able to explain better there (@numbersstory is mine) or email if you'd like; this shouldn't be too hard to explain i just need more room to ask questions too lol

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedAug 8, 2023
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