Fanime Realm

673 updates
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Sooo, A more positive but still rather important update: I have decided that instead of deleting pages, I will replace the conent within the pages with an HTML code that will redirect them to their Nekoweb varrients. Here's a preview for said code:
fanimerealm 4 months ago

I thought it'd be a good idea to do so since truth be told, I see when you look up "Fanime Realm" on Google and DuckDuckGo, the first thing that comes up the varrient here on Neocities and I personally do not wanna mess that up. <<;

fanimerealm 4 months ago

The only pages I will leave alone for now are "Index", "Disclaimer, "Home", and "Profile". The last one does not need to be change but the rest is because I have yet to get a response from someone hosting the webwring FR is a part of and again. I don' wanna mess everything up. ^^;;

fanimerealm 4 months ago

But yeah, with a couple of exceptions for now, I will be making the changes of redirecting to the Nekoweb varrient! Wish me luck!!

Hi, hello, here is the full post on my main site profile: But TL;DR, due to Kyle being an AI Bro, I don't think I wanna keep the pages here on Neocities.I will keep the Neocities account up but I am gonna start deleted stuff soon. The stuff is already moved over to Nekoweb.
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ooh hi gissy! fanime!! I used to make fanime back in the day, I remember seeing you around in the community! ^^ so cool you made a site dedicated to it
fanimerealm 9 months ago

Hello!!! :D I'm glad that some folks outside of my usual circles remember me I have wanted to make a dedicated for fanime since a lot of sites about it are either gone or inactive. 0u0; So, that's why I made this site. ^o^

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cloverbell 9 months ago

your passion is so infectious! maybe I’ll submit my unlisted fanime creations to your list hehe keep up the good work ^^

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Update: I've have so much trouble adding the javascript for the NNSG Webring but then I realized that the solution is as simple as adding it outside of the area of the code. I'm glad there's a simple but now I feel a lil' dumb after trying to fix it all with more complicated methods. ^^;;;;; I'll add the javascript code for a lot of the other pages (minus the pages for each fanime)! 0u0;
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saikyo-central 9 months ago

Congrats on the 100!

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fanimerealm 9 months ago

@saikyo-central Thank you!! ^o^

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedOct 28, 2023
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fanime art animation directory