Py's Page

97 updates
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I might immortalize the old states of my site somewhere to look back least through screen captures but we are entering a new era. I'm approaching this with more intent.
Well...truth be told. I believe I'm going to tear down what I've made and start from scratch. This was a fun adventure but I'm gonna be completely changing up my index page.
I'm still around! Still thinkin about my personal webpage. I really wanna bite the bullet and work on a gallery page next!!
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Well, it's been 4 months according to my page here but I'm thinkin of picking my website back up! I want to focus a little more on the actual contents of my site.
Man, the holiday season was a clusterfuck...But I survived!!! And I did have some good times. I've been experimenting with an entirely different layout cause I wanted to do something a little more deliberate...I'm in the process of figuring out an identity of sorts for my site.
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Looking forward to seeing your artwork! Appreciate your enthusiasm in building your site, I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes (it's an iterative process)!
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedSep 13, 2023
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art writing creativity characters