The end of ghostcastle

3,479 updates
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I've only begun to read your entries, but I want to say that how you write touches me and it's beautiful in its own way. ❤
nohappynonsense 4 years ago

pretend this is me singing "you, in weird cities" to you over and over

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ghostcastle 4 years ago

let me know if you'd like to be on the "friends" page. i skipped around a lot & surely missed a bunch of people.

sanhyo 4 years ago

i can relate with this so much, you have no idea. i've been feeling this wy for years already and it sucks. recently tho i got a purpose in my life even tho its kinda shallow but its a long way to go. you just need a goal even if its not that meaningful, i want to believe everything will fall in its own place eventually. stay strong, its worth it in the end i'm sure of it.

i've seen several sites that had made buttons for me so i decided i'd make one for myself. it's at the bottom of my main page. feel free to link it if you like. however i don't know yet if i'm going to put other buttons on my site.
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wow, 10,000 views. i can't say it isn't a bit weird knowing so many people have read my journal, but i can't say it isn't nice either. thank you to everyone who has dedicated their time to reading, and hopefully understanding, my thoughts and feelings. thank you for allowing me to be more honest with you than i've ever been before. and a special thanks to those of you who have reached out over email. thank you.

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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedMar 13, 2020
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