Your Creative Blog

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Hi juno (if i may call you that instead of pluto or robotick) wow. i was fully enticed reading your main navigation as well as your quote from your latest journal post "Within this era of scattered, unorganized and sometimes even inaccesible sea of information and media, multilingualism shall be my salvation" you're talented at writing, it makes me want to write more in depth again. anyways love your website.
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robotickyuu 1 day ago


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robotickyuu 1 day ago

Added ur website button to my website btw!!

yourcreativeblog 1 day ago

adding you rn ^_^

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hi (: it's nice to find someone else around the same age on neocities lol. feel elderly here by myself >.< but i miss the old web as well. enjoyed looking at your enthusiastic pokemon cheering for gym time as well as knowing you also enjoy sushi. cute web design :3
Hi amanda! you have a interesting alias name lol it seems you say you aren't passionate about anything but it seems you are passionate about your voice covers on youtube. i hope you enjoy playing around with HTML on your website and i think your english is alot better than you think ^_^
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hi! i look forward to seeing your art gallery and it's super cool that you know how to weld, it would be cool to see some of the things you have welded!
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Hi! happy holidays, i like your nerd graphics super cute :3
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dogblog 4 days ago

thank u!! ^.^

your website is so cute! looking forward to seeing what you do to it next (:
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cerezaxcx 4 days ago

OMG THANKS- urs is great too! i love all the tutorials

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Last updated 10 hours ago
CreatedJun 30, 2020
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