goofpunk neocities

685 updates
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A small update about this site and what's happening going forward!
1 like
hey love your site, do you have a 88x32 link button?
goofpunk 2 years ago

Thank you, and I do! It's on my about page :•) I'll add your button to my site as well

1 like
goofpunk 2 years ago

New album of the week! Sorry it's a day late, I've been busy. This week's album is Benny the Butcher's "Tana Talk 4", an instant classic east coast rap album from earlier this year.

1 like
a lot of updates to the site today! I deleted the post in the feed because it was linking to deleted pages and I didn't like that lol (nothing important, just a behind-the-scenes thing I was testing). The important updates:
goofpunk 2 years ago

1) New album of the week! This one is Mal Blum's 2015 album "You Look a Lot Like Me", which was produced by Marissa Paternoster of Screaming Females, and the two of them together made one of my favorite records of all time

goofpunk 2 years ago

2) A new font for the body of the site! I was using IM Fell English, because I really liked the way it looked on, but I felt bad about stealing *two* fonts from her site. I recently discovered Libre Calson Text and fell in love with it, so that's the new one I'm using now

Website Stats

Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJul 9, 2020
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