Oedo Space Gal!!

5,108 updates
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your site is so cute and you're rlly funny >_< I love seeing people with similar interests on here!! <3
kissingonclouds 1 month ago

Ahh thank you!!! Itz always a delight to find new pals with similar soup in their heads!!!!! Tysmm waah <333

1 like
Omgee I LOVE ur site it's so cool!!!
gyarutobii 1 month ago

thank youu >.<

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why are there sm proshippers on here... go back to twitter brah
plushspace 1 month ago

Unfortunately a side affect of any platform that encourages free speech. I would rather see ppl outwardly say they are so i can ostracize them instead of them being fully censored and hide it tho.

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when the site doesn't update in real time on my laptop👎
bobean 1 month ago

Try holding shift when you click on the refresh button it will force your browser to reload from the server instead of using the cache.

1 like
gyarutobii 1 month ago

I've already tried that :') but thank you <3

sunfishdreamworld 1 month ago

Ctrl+shift+R seems to always work for me but I'm not sure if the results are the same as the other suggestion

1 like
tried spacehey, it won't stop removing my images from my profile and blog. its so annoying i might just revive my blog here
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedOct 15, 2023
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