Holly & Macy and Everyone Else

1,010 updates
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Site update! I've written up a quick progress update about the status of Holly & Macy. You can find it in the Author Notes section of the latest page. Basically: the comic will return Wednesday January 29th 2025! :3
hollymacycomic 2 months ago

The comments box is back! I might push another update later tonight to work out some kinks, but as of right now the comments should work normally. :3

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It has JUST now come to my attention that the comments box on my site isn't working. I will do my best to fix it over the weekend. Sorry!
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hollymacycomic 2 months ago

I have an idea of what will fix it, but I just won't have the time to implement until Saturday night or Sunday. ;;^w^

Anyone else noticing an uptick in spam comments from people commenting on random users profiles to boost their site? Makes me sad. :/
Did some housekeeping for the site today! It is with a heavy heart that I bid adieu to my guestbook. An archive of the 123Guestbook page has been added to the Extras page, along with some other goodies (new art!). I also finally added a fix for keyboard navigation so that it plays nice with the comments section (thank you Phoenix from the WEB/COMIC/RING for writing literally all the code for that) <3
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I just read through all the pages and im absolutely hooked!! i love holly and the crew and im looking forward to reading more after the hiatus!! thanks for making such a rad story and cool characters :-)
Posted a quick progress update about the hiatus, which can be found in the Author Notes section on the most recent page. Also finally updated the banner to reflect that we're on hiatus. *thumbs up*
I fucking love this comic its so good
Been reading through your comic, it's super cute and sweet. I wanted to reach out and ask what you use for the comment box on your comic pages. I utilize Rarebits for my webcomic too and I'm trying to figure out a way to add a commenting system. Have a nice hiatus!
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hollymacycomic 9 months ago

Hi! I use Cactus Comments ( If you give it a try, feel free to message me w/ any questions and I'll do my best to help. A lot of other people helped me when I was setting it up for my site, so hopefully I remember some stuff lol! :3

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hollymacycomic 9 months ago

OH also feel free to inspect element on my site and copy my code for the css/js/ect. I know that's kind of a given but sometimes I forget I can do that w/ websites.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 2, 2020
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