Holly & Macy and Everyone Else

1,010 updates
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Been reading through your comic, it's super cute and sweet. I wanted to reach out and ask what you use for the comment box on your comic pages. I utilize Rarebits for my webcomic too and I'm trying to figure out a way to add a commenting system. Have a nice hiatus!
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hollymacycomic 9 months ago

Hi! I use Cactus Comments ( If you give it a try, feel free to message me w/ any questions and I'll do my best to help. A lot of other people helped me when I was setting it up for my site, so hopefully I remember some stuff lol! :3

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hollymacycomic 9 months ago

OH also feel free to inspect element on my site and copy my code for the css/js/ect. I know that's kind of a given but sometimes I forget I can do that w/ websites.

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 2, 2020
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webcomic lgbt lesbian comics queer