Ikewise Online

286 updates
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those fonts are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
I enjoy your favicon image choice. Tangent: The map tile sprites from the GB/GBC Pokemon games make awesome webpage background images.
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ikewise 6 years ago

eyy look at that sidebar

ugh, where did the past month even go. Sorry, I'll try to get something out Soon™
hi there! thank you for the follow ♥ your site's aesthetic is hella cool, and i can't wait to sink into your web design tutorials, they look super helpful! ^^
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ikewise 6 years ago

I finally made some buttons so you can link to my site if you want.

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anlucas 6 years ago

nice ^_^ 👌

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Wow, I actually never knew you can make HTML components with Vanilla JS! I knew you could do it with React.js, but not in pure JS. Anyway, that article was very informative, this is a cool site!
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hey! i wanted to thank you for the javascript client-side includes tutorial! i haven't used it sitewide yet but it's excellent from my test pages. i appreciate you putting that out there haha.
ikewise 6 years ago

That's great, glad to help. 😄 Keeping navs and whatnot updated was always the struggle back in the GeoCities days and I was so happy to figure out how to do it without needing PHP or SSI or whatever. I did recently realize that due to the way it works, relative links are relative to the page it's on rather than the script file itself so be aware of that.

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roachparade 6 years ago

note taken, thank you! i don't use relative links a lot of the time, but i'll be sure to watch out for it. it's a super clever idea.

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So I just pulled up my site in Vivaldi on Manjaro and the default theme is displaying in some foreign language symbol set. 😕 And the LFG theme isn't loading the Comic Relief backup font due to some security setting. Looks like I have some more work to do...
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ikewise 6 years ago

...I accidentally set a weird default font on Vivaldi while setting it up. But font compatibility is important anyway so whatever. Lily theme should now properly load comic font regardless of whether you have it installed. 😛

ikewise 6 years ago

New blog post, so far so good. Maybe I'll -actually- keep up this update pace! :y

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 20, 2014
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