I like how most of my pages are either like super flowery, cutie cutie, lolita esque, and cute! Then the rest is skeletons, gothic stuff, the black death, rabies and just dark dark stuff. There is nowhere in between! I love both aesthetics so much...
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OMG THANK YOU!!! It's really badly written right now because it's difficult to write about to be honest but I plan to make it pretty in depth!!! Thank you so much!!
i love websites that mix different aesthetics! yours is so fun :)!
Aah thank you so much! I love the aesthetic of your site too (not to mention all the JoJo stuff!!!!!)
its really inspiring!! i have such a problem with feeling like i have to commit to just one look lolol
Thank you!!! I just CANNOT decide between looks, I am very indecisive lmao but I think the asthetic of your site is sooooo goooodd