wow i LOVE this! is there any chance you might feel comfortatble making this into a F2U template for microblogs? i would absolutely love to use this and beef it out in kkb-style for my website if given the opportunity!! :3
also love that you called it your 'thought chamber' - my current layout on my website was built during a 'spiral' and i named it my 'spiral chamber' lol!!
@kkbkkb WOW THANKS SO MUCH!! I have no prob with doing that :33, i had the idea of in the future but never got around to it. I also have bad code... Once I finish this I'll post the code although I recommend people just juke it out themselves!
Also I came up with the name cause it's like the opposite of a echochamber (in a way) though it was really because i already had a diary and blog. Yours sounds cool I'll check it out !!!! โญโญโญโญโญ
and i might be grasping at straws but if you have the *full* 2024 yoeko tokyo broadcast video... send it to me
this is making me want to create a shrine to Afrin which has saved my ass too many times to count
how did i not see ur kamiya tsurugi shrine until now it's so beautiful....................
i love the limited edition mango pedialyte ive probably gone through like 20 bottles of that stuff even not sick
@bondiaries LMFAOOOOOO THAT IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. i love just drinking it like why is it so good. if they ever make a juice brand then theyre really gonna start bringing in money
all of the black ops zombies plus mw2 (recently) made up 3/4ths of my personality for 12 years dont worry
im late but your new index goes so hard yayy! also the shrines directory is epic.
oooo i'll have to apply for this sometime :3c