I’m just working on a new design for the site that’s more relaxed since I felt the old one kinda sucked
Aged even worse, I’m super sorry stuff is taking awhile lol should be by late February
There also are other programs u can use to make gifs as well and I can give u the names of these other programs if u want
a good friend ended up shareing some programs with me so I think I might be set thanks for looking it to tho
also im looking for one that can run gifs and also Im going to bed I will sadly have to cheack out your cute website tomorrow good night [(--)]..zzZ
Oh it’s fine dw I just followed ya since your site despite not having much to offer yet looked good in my eyes and that’s pretty much the same case with my stuff as well right now I got a bunch of shitty animations on my site that I’m trying to even out with ones I have more effort into them in the future but yea no need to worry about not having much to offer I get it lol
In terms of a photoshop program I don’t really know if there’s one that could do that but I’ll look
dear god, if I don't feel at least slightly more happy next month, I'm actually gonna kms
danm I guess your a real perfectionist I cant really say the same for my self I understand completley if your not ready for us to see your website I can wait take your time :)
Yea I’m just trying to make sure it has a good ui and I got some more content to offer at the moment, I appreciate y’all’s patience :)