Knight of Swords

636 updates
0 tips
this is QUITE the project you've undertaken! [though i'm one to speak...] 'Meditations' is part of my small collection of tarot books, and if you like that you will almost certainly love Bennebell Wen's 'Holistic Tarot', if you don't have it already. -- la Reine de l'air
cool site. u may be interested in the @media css as you can restyle ur elements to fit a mobile screen. but i like the content keep it coming.
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Just caught up on the entire comic so far. I love the format, and your art style! Looking forward to the interactive elements!
vegabond 2 years ago

Thanks, dude! It's still obviously still in it's really early stages but I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Some really exciting stuff will be happening in the next few months after all the basics are set up. Interactivity will follow soon after that.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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tarot personal information art occult