kyrtz !

2,386 updates
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love ignoring hobbies for other hobbies 🥰🥰 bye coding, hello drawing! jajajaja... kidding... only a little
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ignore how broken my thoughts page is, i'm really proud of it but that's future me's problem to fix. expecting a new laptop tomorrow so be ready for my evil self to come out where i play roblox and code until i cry. happy holidays!!
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actually updating this thing for real this time. have to use the neocities coder due to owning one laptop that is 10 years old and cannot download any other applications. wish me luck
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hihihi, i've been kind of unmotivated with this, i really want to come up with a new format, but i've literally got no vision for it. hopefully something comes to me
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 10, 2024
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