La Taccola

6,474 updates
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ciao dado lol
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Thank you for the follow, Universe be with you!
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lataccola 2 years ago

w-what't that hole on the homepage? I didn't put it there

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brennholz 2 years ago

the mouse is cute, but the stories are horrifying...

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lataccola 2 years ago

@brennholz mice live a hard life :(

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so uhhhhh I broke my laptop's hard drive. can I get an F in the chat
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lataccola 2 years ago

(it says IMMINENT FAILURE. I can't even re-install Windows 10. Don't touch things if you don't know what you're doing.)

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brennholz 2 years ago

Ayyy, I've been doing that youtube thing for years! :D ....Good god, I've WASTED MY YOUTH

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"random thoughts" brethren!✊ Well, I renamed my "random thoughts" page a few days ago, but still
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I haven't forgotten this site! I just don't have permanent access to unlimited wi-fi anymore. The fear of sucking all my gigas makes me procrastinate even more! (sometimes I make some minor tweaks, they aren't worthy of a post)
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mle-s-paint 3 years ago

Hee hee love that you included The Loaf here!

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mle-s-paint 3 years ago

Argh I hit enter too fast. Wanted to mention we're mutuals on Neocities as well :)

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 7, 2020
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