Attention sports fans!

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New post on my blog. I was wondering if anyone has read and enjoyed my blog? I don't need a ton of readers or anything but it's always nice to know people like what I've written :)
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I like your Instax and Polaroid pictures a lot. I’m feeling inspired to finally take out my own Instax camera and take some pictures
neonmicahevolution 2 years ago

That makes me so happy to hear! Let's swap photos sometime for fun:)

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maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

I’d love to swap photos sometime! I haven’t used this camera at all yet but I’m hoping I can go out this weekend and take some pictures

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I got the new piece of net art up and running. Its called Tower of Babel Ghost Hunting. Check it out if you want
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maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

By the way, I should have said thanks to @heckmaster for several times helping me in getting this posted

Hey all. I got all the files for my new net art piece that I mentioned to upload. There are a few lines of Greek text on one page that show up as gibberish. It works with Unicode but I don’t want to have to Unicode all of it. Does anyone know a better way to make it display correctly?
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heckmaster 2 years ago

It has to do with the meta charset attribute, UTF-8 supports most symbols and special characters.

maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

@heckmaster That worked! Thanks a lot

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Hey all. I’m trying to upload a new piece of net art and when I do it says that the files exceed my free space but the number of kb of all the files is well under what neocities says I have left. Anyone know why that might happen?
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heckmaster 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure, that never happened to me. Have you tried compressing your files? It's a bit bizarre.

maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

I haven’t tried compressing them yet but that will be the next thing I try I think

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CreatedMar 4, 2022
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