mish's website

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Hello y'all how do you handle navigation for your site(s)- assuming it's in another file? I'm used to having php so I'm trying to find ways around it ahaha. Currently I have it in a .js with the code in document.write(), but I also see people use iframes 👀
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aux1 4 years ago

i used iframe for long while, and it worked fine!!! i changed to doc write in js because i didnt like how when i updated the files for the nav and everything, that it came up in the little update thumbnails as *just* the plain html. iframe i think is better for more complex shit. if what youre trying to do needs a separate css, i think iframe might be the best way to go???

nosycat 4 years ago

In my opinion you should rethink navigation instead. Static sites aren't dynamic sites and shouldn't be designed the same way. Besides, they were a trap. That said, maybe a static site generator?


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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedAug 27, 2020
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