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New blog post.
It always makes me uncomfortable when I link or embed something from youtube or another major site and I see the adblock number ticking up on my own website.
Oh I love SGAP. It was so nice to find a post about the artist while just surfing around neocities!
I love this page. We're on it too :D
I'm not sure if I'll add images for all of them but I had to get the first one out of my head. The second one is a classic.
Thank you!
Roots of Pacha review is up I don't have to think about that game again.
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New blog post.
It always makes me uncomfortable when I link or embed something from youtube or another major site and I see the adblock number ticking up on my own website.
Oh I love SGAP. It was so nice to find a post about the artist while just surfing around neocities!