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taptroupe 4 months ago

As of this update I have moved my website entirely to Nekoweb due to the Neocities creator's stance on AI, especially that of AI art. The move should make no visual difference on browsing my website. Like at all. I will take all of your RSS feeds and remember you forever. And you can catch me on that website because I have an RSS feed there too now! Live your life and make your website where you want it.

i saw a tweet on twitter about how the creator of neocities supports the benefits of AI including generative image making so i emailed him and he emailed me back but i don't think i gave him enough context so i replied back again. give it a few days. this is the beauty of email
taptroupe 5 months ago

sometimes the stance is not black and white like idk it depends. but still there are some things about ai and especially image generation that are barely beginning to be regulated and it's still crazy inexcuseably dangerous. no matter what happens i will download every RSS feed of the people i follow and remember you always.

yayyyyy internet archive ddos yayyyy :(
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thank u new followers :3
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedMar 3, 2022
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