
400 updates
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Hello, lovely phi1l1y :) I took a short look at your site, of what my energy permitted.I looked at your about again, your new art, and your last journal entry. I hope it's not odd to say that I appreciate how you talk about death so candidly. I'm not sure if you still feel the same as you did then, but reading it, I feel I am in good company. Your writing is such a treat. I hope to return here when I have the energy.
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swiftred 2 weeks ago

I'm wishing you well!

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phi1l1y 2 weeks ago

I can't thank you enough for the tender words swiftred, genuinely. And that compliment is not weird at all; if anything, it's one of the best I could receive. I hand-wring often over being too open whilst simultaneously not knowing what it takes to be 'too' . Please, only ever visit if you desire to . Like you, you hold your own nook in my heart and mind anyway : ) Forever may you be well!

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swiftred 2 weeks ago

Thank you!!!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 15, 2023
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art personal writing adult queer