new drawing schlapped on there! also if u hover over the drawings u can get fuuuunnn infooooooo~! i learned about title tags and they are Awesome super recommend
omg thank you! you're the sweetest (and i love your site's color palette)
added + updated some personality quiz results :3 also i played "the process of elimination" today idk if the ending i got was good or bad but i had fun and it was incredibly interesting to me both in the way the plot unfolded + the music (really very good) + the characters (endearing and also interesting) :thumbsup: check it out here:
FUCK YEAAA. which ending did u get?? if it was inward spiral then SAME. also u should join the discord server (thing that the tpoe author would say if he was here (not joking. he would!))
ah it happens, thank you for exploring my site and commenting! <3