RayHammer's hell hole

199 updates
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Hiya, how come your entire site doesn't load without allowing scmplayer? Can you fix it?
rayhammer 2 years ago

upd: I looked into the website's structure, it appears that you have all your website content inside the iframe for the music player, which seems impractical and unnecessary, and it doesn't get past uBlock

infamousblackcoat 2 years ago

The hell are you talking about? My site loads fine, I tested it on my phone, and on a different web browser and they both loaded just fine.

infamousblackcoat 2 years ago

and plus I have ublock origin on both of my phone and pc

rayhammer 2 years ago

I have all 3rd party frames blocked. I am able to view your site if I allow it though

rayhammer 2 years ago

And it really should not be the case. The iframe should be just for the audio player, not the entire website

infamousblackcoat 2 years ago

huh, thats weird

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedMar 10, 2022
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videogames fediverse programming linux opensource