Reel Big Fishbowl

302 updates
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I may not have updated the site in a while, but at least I can say it's better than the site of the cult leader-dating loser who's the one that got me into html in the first place lol (true story)
RBF has been puttin out sooo many demos on those deluxe vinyls and I would put them up on my site but unfortunately I have college classes and I do doordash now so that's lame
I love having to give up learning professional web development because of AI and having to go into cyber security instead it's my faaaaaaaavorite
had to do the teensiest edit to the downloads page because somehow there was an lone s in the top left corner lol
not sure if im ever gonna update the site again cause im depressed lmao
I don't know who you are but I'm touched to see that my site's button made it into the 88x31 archive thankyu
new redundant update just dropped: added a link to the guestbook on every page please sign my guestbook

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedApr 17, 2022
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ska music rbf reelbigfish