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[28/10/24 - 15:28]User's Message: Sorry 4 the missing, too many work, study, work, study, work, ... But, at least, I made it. Por el anniversary de mi website, una miniupdate con más content. Yes, I still have to work on all. Make/create better content, traducciones, layouts, acción, ... Bday User
oh wow, I love the look of the pseudo-console text. Also, you can try using the css "cursor: pointer;" in you're clickable elements, you could even use a custom image instead of pointer
user-maldito 5 months ago

nice idea, tysm <3

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[23/8/24 - 13:00] User celebrates: 300th day my miniblog still alive, ¡¡yay!! (Should I prepare somthing for the anual? He does not remember very well tho).
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[9/6/24 - 14:03] User apologies: Sorry for the wait. Now the user mobile/phones can enjoy this little website more comfortable as they used to. User's Phone Update. In my free time (I don't have it rn) he will update all the old content (gallery, playlist, ...) little by little. :3 ~Working User
[3/6/24 15:30] User reveals: This update is called "Neocities' Update". 1. The Gallery is Offline, there is a new index with a new design, buttons++, and a Tribute Page. I'm superexcited about it 'cause I talk personally with the artist to see her visions. it took me 1 day of honest work (is mobile-friendly), no layout, full homemade.
user-maldito 9 months ago

2. Cons: - The whole website is not mobile-friendy, gimme more time. - Must take back some pages. - Remove the "Style Selector". But, eventually, everything will come back with better effects, results and styles (not a promise). What could be the next update? :3 ~ Renovated User

Oh wow, thank you so much for trying my matcha cookies recipe! I'm really honored that you liked it! 🫂
[27/05/24 - 18:55] User declares: I will "remaster" the entire site to be less erratic. I'm thinking of doing it and I'll do it. Remember, you can download my page in Github. (Fxck, I still don't know where should I start and I'm feeling incompetent and impotent about it)
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedOct 28, 2023
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