pd: aliment/maintain/provide (for)/subsist/sustain, survive/subsist/live/exist, comedic/comic/comical/thalian, antithalian
CFS-2017: "Misunderstood" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/08/06/execrable-misunderstood/
LOL i love how this essentially a tirade about stinky ol' Asia :D hhahahahahaha "dinky destruction"! :DDDDDDD
Counterpoint: it can be nothing else, because the movie's entirely, indulgently, even solipsistically personal. She's so far up her own ass at this point that reality is at best a speed bump in the course of her rampaging fabulism. She's a fucking schizo.
LOLOL she's so far up her own ass that her body's inside out and LOOKS like a speed bump hhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahhahahahahahahhahahhaaaa :D
CFS-2017: "Vernon, Florida" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/08/12/mediocre-vernon-florida/