The web site of antique-bandit-interactive

1,016 updates
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I have become aware of the fact that some of the images on my website no longer display. Frankly I am quite puzzled about that; I've used the specific hosting website for years without any issues. I'll try to get the images rehosted somewhere else or to show said images through other means sometime. Considering I'm in a bit of a creative slump with my projects at the moment, that may take a while.
The images don't work :(
hey this looks awesome, can't wait to see what you do with this! thx for the follow btw
Wow. Heheeeee, your website is more like geocities than geocities was!
thanks for the follow! your site looks exactly what i'd expect a tech site from the mid-2000s to look like! i poked around your unfiction archive and my favorite page so far is the TV schedule. it's such a nice detail and adds a further layer of realism!! i'm excited to see whatever you decide to do with the project!
Discord invite link has been updated.
1 like
thanks for the follow! your old site looks cool!
1 like
The new ABI website may be launching soon. I've had a sudden burst of inspiration to continue work on the ABI reboot.
I put a link to my Discord server on my website. It's only up for seven days, and there's only 100 total invites.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 20, 2019
Site Traffic Stats


webseries arg fearfulfox abi admina