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3,000 views? Wow.
This site was originally only the cringe section, which was why I named it ricardos amazing website or whatever. I should probably change it or something
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sicklycarpet 6 years ago

i suggest Ricardos-webgazing-site???

rdg updated RDG
6 years ago
cringemain.html is so hype!
rdg 6 years ago

I'd like to think that when people look back at my life, the entire cringe section of my website is what I'm remembered for.

I plan to put out a couple of reviews by next week. Any new albums I should listen to? Might add a page of my record collection, i dunno
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webshark 6 years ago

Maybe listen to Blue Monday by New Order... its a reminder of the old days of techno and electro beats :)

sicklycarpet 6 years ago

you could nose through my ''soundchecking'' page, i have listed a lot of electronica in it, i think stuff like ''the robots'' and trans-europe-express by kraftwerk are great too, oh and i am a total ZEE nut as well.

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20 Followers! Check out the new pet Webshark that can be found near the middle of the page!
rdg updated RDG
6 years ago
I love using Atom to make new pages but man does the vibrant ink color scheme on here look great
elementz 6 years ago

Same, I love atom and vs code a lot

rdg updated RDG
6 years ago
sicklycarpet 6 years ago

my mum likes my site only when i put weirder humour into it. i just don't quite believe it

Thank you for following me! You are follower number 20!
rdg 6 years ago

Glad to be, love your website.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJul 17, 2018
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