Theo Renders

58 updates
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Hi there, while I appreciate you're learning html and css, I'd really love if you kept an eye on how much inspiration you're taking from my site... especially since I worked really hard on my site, and while I don't mind light inspiration (after all I get inspired from stuff I've seen around too) but this feels.. a little similar...
layercake 3 weeks ago

I mean all of this in a polite tone btw since I really understand how intimidating it is to start out!!! it took me a while to learn stuff too

renders 3 weeks ago

Oh yeah so sorry if it felt like I was blatently copying! I really enjoyed the homepage of yours and thought it would be fun to replicate it in my own little style ig. I'll try to diverge a little bit more from your own designs too. Thanks for reaching out! If theres anything else you want to talk about I'm here too!

renders 3 weeks ago

Would you also want me to add a section for like inspiration and link to your page too?

layercake 3 weeks ago

that'd be nice! maybe change up the colour scheme a bit too 🤔 so it looks less similar, perhaps?

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layercake 3 weeks ago

I also want to add that I didn't mean to come off as malicious or anything, I'm a little used to seeing people who take whole pages of work and claim it as their own on here, so I wanted to be weary at first

renders 3 weeks ago

Oh no I totally understand! It's good you're bringing this up lol

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedOct 5, 2024
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