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Hi Riot! thank you for your lovely message in my guest book. It is so lovely to hear that people enjoy my site and my music, it makes me very happy! I really enjoy your site too! It has such an intense old web authenticity that I'm obsessed with. Plus I love your writing style and it's super cool to hear you talk about these niche topics that you're clearly very passionate about. Have a good one!
riotrevolver 6 months ago

Wow, sorry for taking a long time to reply, I've been real busy with school and have been sick for the past week, thanks for the kind and encouraging comment.

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Cool website dude!, I'm curious about something, do you prefer the korean or og ost for ggxxac+r
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riotrevolver 8 months ago

Both are pretty different, overall the orginal is better but I still really like the korean version (Sorry for taking a while the respond)

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the-game-hoard 8 months ago

@riotrevolver Cool personally I prefer the Korean ost(The character select is better imo). I do think that the og ost is really good tho.

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CreatedOct 16, 2023
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