I LOVE FISH BONE!! does he have any favourite mugs? he strikes me as the type to have a few funny ones :>
WAHH tysmm hehe :]]] he would DEFINITELY be the type of guy to have the Smiley mug you know the one... he would also have a bunch from a bunch of random businesses and has a story for each one :D
Thank you so much TwT i honnestly got no time for it with the terms coming to an end ahaaa but the time will come!!
more 2 come !!! im just depressinatored but i have a lot of stuff saved for it :3
omg ive accidentally deleted so many messages cuz of that... they should rlly add a reply button for other replies
all ur images are loading fine for me, i also use catbox and it seems to be working on my end with all of my images as well