RoboNerd's RoboNet

2,902 updates
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10 FOLLOWERS!?!? HOW!?!?
To get a teensy bit better at digital art, I threw one of my drawings I did pen-to-paper into Illustrator and traced it, here is the final result: What do ya think?
WOAH!!! We're really close to 10,000 views!
robonerd 3 days ago

Although, I think it's not really a view count, but rather one of those visit counters some people like to put on the site itself.

Advice of the day: To tell an actual transparent image apart from a fake one on Google, look for the ones with a white background, if it's actually transparent, the checkers'll show up after you click it.
Your site is awesome! Do you think you could start adding some of the old flash games? You can just hotlink the original .swf files from and put on it.
1 like
robonerd 1 week ago

The RoboNerd is no longer just for the eyes, but also for the ears! See what happens hover over the logo, a link, or the running Willow on the homepage!!

Website Stats

Last updated 14 hours ago
CreatedMay 14, 2024
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cartoons awesome art personal