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rotbrain 1 month ago

new post! I still think it's kinda rough around the edges, but I either ponder the ways I could improve it for all eternity or I actually release it, so fuck it we ball >:U

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Deleted the article tag in my pages to simplify the code and reduce indentation. I updated my stylesheet accordingly and it fixed inconsistent text & image width. no clue why I was using that tag in the first place but whatev <:|
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This website seriously rules. It's a fridge filled with food for thought :}
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mikegrindle 1 month ago

Thank you! Love the aesthetic of your site. Look forward to reading your posts.

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rotbrain 1 month ago

Why, thank *you*! And I'm not kidding when I say "food for thought", my next post will probably be about some ideas that have been brewing in my head after reading your stuff :]

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mikegrindle 1 month ago

It's honestly the nicest compliment to hear that I have inspired some ideas :-) So thank you

rotbrain 1 month ago

Added an rss feed cuz why not. im goin to bed now

rotbrain 1 month ago

added an about page, and did some changes to header and footer

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visualculture 1 month ago

i play a pj bass and it does seem very sensitive to various picking parameters. i am still trying to master those intricacies :) i like your photos in this entry, my favorite is probably the one of the hinge with the peeling paint

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legit one of the most beautiful websites i've ever seen
Thanks for the follow, I really enjoyed checking out your website! I'm currently writing a post that was spurred on by reading the pages about your Path To Lyspial sequencer and your photography.
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visualculture 1 month ago

thanks! looking forward to reading it :) also the way you process your photos to match the color scheme of your site is neat, great idea

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Last updated 5 hours ago
CreatedOct 16, 2020
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thoughts personal blog bass music