wake up, it's raining

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Yo! Your page is really nice (quiet) and cozy. Kudos for sharing the demos, what I listened to sounded great. I like the sort of melancholic rusted orange dirty puddle guitar riffs. I've never played Final Fantasy XI, but I can see how the sort of early 2000's Japanese emotional drench could play a hand in inspiring the sound. I'm interested in checking out the documentary you linked.
rovont 2 years ago

Wow, thanks for taking the time to really dive in and share your thoughts about these things. I've honestly never thought about the music in relation to my interest in Japanese video games of that era, but I do feel the common thread there now. If you have any good recommendations for shows, music, or games that are in the same space as "early 2000's Japanese emotional drench", I'd love to check some more stuff out!

just here to say that the social network soundtrack is so damn good
misterdizzy 2 years ago

You're so right

1 like
murid 2 years ago

Those are some nice chill tunes.

1 like
rovont 2 years ago

@murid - Thank you!

1 like

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CreatedApr 10, 2022
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