a scarecrow kid

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After 13+ (!!!) years, I made the transition from blogger to wordpress TT__TT it's bittersweet, but watching blogger's features disappear/become obsolete with every year, I felt like it was time... (my RSS feed URL has also changed!)
scarecrowkid 1 year ago

I think it's a very good change, I can do wayyyy more with wordpress. Unfortunately that also means reuploading all my blog images, so some entries might look funky bc of that. It's weird seeing my blog entries in a masonry style (I tried to avoid that for so long) but I do like how it looks overall!

TIL if you cancel your supporter sub, it's immediate.... :')
I'm participating in artfight again! Trying to do more attacks this year. :)
scarecrowkid 1 year ago

thank you so much!! :D

I am once again wanting to revamp my art page :sob: having a blank canvas for housing my art is throwing me for a loop... I can't decide how I want to organize it
scarecrowkid 1 year ago

wanting to have filters and tags vs just wanting tiny thumbnails to click on by year... modal vs iframe vc onclick..aiyahh

I am SO close to getting my site to be fully mobile-friendly but good lord it is. a time.
chartreuse 1 year ago

I've been thinking about making mobile specific css for my site because being mobile-friendly as it is is such a nightmare...

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wasongo 1 year ago

godspeed! it's worth it for accessibility reasons but god it took so much effort to make my site mobile friendly too. had to sacrifice a lot of design and features for mobile.

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scarecrowkid 1 year ago

it really is worth it!!! right now I just have the bare bones of readability/navigation (which I'm super proud of!!!) but I want my media queries to be a little cuter than what it is now.. LOL I feel u guys.. sacrificing design but trying to make it cohesive/similar to desktop is pain...

meixins 1 year ago

this was so nice to read through and your writeup on how you're composed of everyone you've loved touched my heart q_q really resonated with me, thank you for sharing it on your site!

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scarecrowkid 1 year ago

@meixins omg thank you so much for reading it !! q_q i rly appreciate it... i have a lot to say and it's all love for my homies LOL

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thank you for the extremely sweet compliment, it got me blushing 🥺♡♡♡ i went through your site yesterday and i really liked it, it's so clean and pretty and yet so warm!! and i'm glad you found digital gardens, i think the concept suits you!
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thank you so much for the follow!! I took a stroll around your site and coincidentally, I've been wondering what digital gardens were. now I have a gist and I love the concept! I also wanted to say that your art conveys warmth and life so beautifully, and it makes my heart soften. you have such a gift for expression and tenderness!

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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedApr 29, 2023
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photography blog art personal fashion