1,083 updates
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does the audio player on my index page make sound for you? -_- it wont make sound for some reason. its an ogg file so maybe thats why? idk
keeri 1 month ago

i can hear it

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keeri 1 month ago

though i think the type should be "audio/ogg", since "audio/mpeg" is for mp3 etc.

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strovi 1 month ago

oh you are right keeri! thank you!!!

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strovi 1 month ago

ehh sorry for such a low functioning art gallery, its honestly just a pain for me to do atm. i highly reccomend just checking my art galleries via social media for my latest work

Your site is insanely cool and your art is gorgeous!!
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strovi 1 year ago

Woah your site is awesomeee, i love ur use of 3d and page designs. super cool (thumbs up) and thank you by the way!!!

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nickolox 1 year ago

tysm!! Your welcome!! ^_^ <3

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new diary entry. i just talk about my relationship with art
pixelglade 1 year ago

I can relate a lot to the frustrations of social media, though I have only just started freelancing so I can't comment much on that side. Best wishes for your wedding tomorrow. 💝

strovi 1 year ago

@pixelglade thank you so much!!!! I wish you luck on freelancing, its not so bad really so long as you give yourself breaks and take care of your wrists and back!

bisuko 1 year ago

i feeeel so similar and i'm holding this entry tight. i'm so happy for you and CONGRATULATIONS BTW WAAAAA

strovi 1 year ago

@bisuko, im so relieved to hear someone else dealing with similar !!!!! and THANK YOU!!!!

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rareoarfishsightings 1 year ago

"Messages in the pieces were no longer things to be contemplated or discussed but instead, persuasions." god that is such a great line wtf . described exactly how i feel about making art atm ...wish we could return to that renaissance level of artistic meaning nowadays . thank you so much this was a cathartic read. congrats on your marriage !

strovi 1 year ago

@rareoarfishsightings I too agree, I always make jokes about how much more appreciated art would be if I was an aristocrats art pet hahaha

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cloverbell 1 year ago

ahh this is very well written and well articulated! it resonates with me as someone who just began a career in the animation industry, something feels lost…. Im happy to hear you are working for a project you feel so passionately about, I hope all your future projects bring you just as much fulfillment!

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strovi 1 year ago

@cloverbell Thank you!! and yeah, industry-wise, it's a tough area. But i do think it can be fulfilling too. I think if the industry was fairer, i wouldn't be feeling this way. But we all find our little pockets of fulfillment in the ways we mold it. So I hope things go well for you!! I am cheering you on!

sanguineroyal 1 year ago

I hope that you have a lovely wedding! I understand how you feel about your art right now, thank you for writing this.

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ophanimkei 1 year ago

i hope you have a lovely wedding. your entry was very insightful. good luck :-)

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nenrikido 1 year ago

glad to hear you're taking initiative and not letting anything throttle your joy for art anymore! best wishes on your wedding today, and i hope you are happy and fulfilled this year and for all years to come.

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angry that theres no auto-compression javascript things, i mean maybe there is? but i had trouble finding it. I just dont wanna manually compress like nearly 80 images... man!
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pixelglade 1 year ago

Would highly recommend command line tools like image magick or magick mogrify. They've saved a lot of time once you figure out the syntax. I can send a few code snippets if you like (my email is on my contact page).

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reon 1 year ago

if you use a mac id highly recommend a combo of imageoptim and exifcleaner, theyre both just gui wrappers for other commandline tools but they work really well and are pretty easy to use

strovi 1 year ago

thank you guys! This is helpful!

gonna dedicate a day to fixing my entire gallery. the vision was there but its not accessible at all nor is it optimized for fast loading LOLLLLL (thats what i get for being ambitious)
Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (And your site is beautiful as usual! Don't worry about not updating often ^w^)
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strovi 1 year ago

AHH thanks for telling me!! ill update it soon! (and thank you!!!) i still appreciate this webring being hosted

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CreatedAug 11, 2019
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art music illustration