ehh sorry for such a low functioning art gallery, its honestly just a pain for me to do atm. i highly reccomend just checking my art galleries via social media for my latest work
Woah your site is awesomeee, i love ur use of 3d and page designs. super cool (thumbs up) and thank you by the way!!!
I can relate a lot to the frustrations of social media, though I have only just started freelancing so I can't comment much on that side. Best wishes for your wedding tomorrow. 💝
@pixelglade thank you so much!!!! I wish you luck on freelancing, its not so bad really so long as you give yourself breaks and take care of your wrists and back!
i feeeel so similar and i'm holding this entry tight. i'm so happy for you and CONGRATULATIONS BTW WAAAAA
@bisuko, im so relieved to hear someone else dealing with similar !!!!! and THANK YOU!!!!
"Messages in the pieces were no longer things to be contemplated or discussed but instead, persuasions." god that is such a great line wtf . described exactly how i feel about making art atm ...wish we could return to that renaissance level of artistic meaning nowadays . thank you so much this was a cathartic read. congrats on your marriage !
@rareoarfishsightings I too agree, I always make jokes about how much more appreciated art would be if I was an aristocrats art pet hahaha
ahh this is very well written and well articulated! it resonates with me as someone who just began a career in the animation industry, something feels lost…. Im happy to hear you are working for a project you feel so passionately about, I hope all your future projects bring you just as much fulfillment!
@cloverbell Thank you!! and yeah, industry-wise, it's a tough area. But i do think it can be fulfilling too. I think if the industry was fairer, i wouldn't be feeling this way. But we all find our little pockets of fulfillment in the ways we mold it. So I hope things go well for you!! I am cheering you on!
I hope that you have a lovely wedding! I understand how you feel about your art right now, thank you for writing this.
i hope you have a lovely wedding. your entry was very insightful. good luck :-)
glad to hear you're taking initiative and not letting anything throttle your joy for art anymore! best wishes on your wedding today, and i hope you are happy and fulfilled this year and for all years to come.
Would highly recommend command line tools like image magick or magick mogrify. They've saved a lot of time once you figure out the syntax. I can send a few code snippets if you like (my email is on my contact page).
if you use a mac id highly recommend a combo of imageoptim and exifcleaner, theyre both just gui wrappers for other commandline tools but they work really well and are pretty easy to use
AHH thanks for telling me!! ill update it soon! (and thank you!!!) i still appreciate this webring being hosted
i can hear it
though i think the type should be "audio/ogg", since "audio/mpeg" is for mp3 etc.
oh you are right keeri! thank you!!!