
529 updates
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seraphinelle 2 years ago

Temporarily removing my doll page, I'm planning on redoing my collection pages when I have more time!! Look forward to it hehe

seraphinelle 3 years ago

FINALLY!! Hello I'm finally back after a way longer hiatus than I originally thought. I /think/ my wardrobe is now up to date but I think theres still some small stuff missing haha.

hello! just wanted to pop by and say I’ve been in the process of moving for the past few months and I haven’t had time to update anything or reply/look at sites on here in what feels like forever! hopefully that’ll change soon and I’ll have time again. I really miss this community so don’t forget about me until then heehee
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cheesecakedreams 3 years ago

Aaaa you have both of the Magical Pony bags! I have the white one, she's my favorite. <3 They're so cute.

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seraphinelle 3 years ago

Finally updated my web banner/button I like it a lot better now!! Also if you're in the eglcommunity and have a site button please let me know so I can add it!!

seraphinelle 4 years ago

Long time no update! I hope you all had a good new year, I need to get around to updating my wardrobe pages but I'll hopefully get around to doing that soon! I've also been updating my blog often as well if you ever wanted to check that out!

cheesecakedreams 4 years ago

The furby page is so cute 😭

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJun 21, 2020
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tamagotchi lolitafashion egl personal furby