Paviinka's home site ♥

918 updates
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That you for your patience! You've been added to the Jellyring! Please note that while you can now add the widget you have not been added to the Giant Jelly Pool or any of the other pages yet. That will be coming soon!
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I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED UR REPLY ON MY UPDATE WHILE TRYING TO REPLY BACK IM SO SORRY ill respond here T__T honestly the 2021 saw really isnt worth watching, it barely even feels like a part of the same series and it also [spoilers in case u decide to check it out] has a really bad twist where like....a police officer was killing other police officers for ...being police officers??? and its just bad
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paviinka 3 years ago

I may have figured out how to preview things before uploading them here, which is nice. I'll be able to upload the rest of this site and then move onto some fun and new things. Lotsa Yoshi-themed layout ideas O:)

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedFeb 21, 2020
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