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sireingtons-cool-place 4 months ago

I wonder, i hAve Been waiting fOr a while for someone to find oUT where this page is ;P

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What should I add to my site?
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this is a pretty cool place to see when I have just started playing P3! Very easthetically pleasing!
As you traverse the entrance of the ship, the world behind you fades into lost memories. Your feet stick before the elastic skin slaps back to its horizontal form. As you trudge, figures emerge in the darkness as shreds of light are cast upon the undulating forms. You feel a pull as invisible hands grasp your clothes and pull you towards a passage in the darkness...
vegacollective 7 months ago

As you squint, the puzzle slots into place and from the darkness emerges a familiar face, which dances and sways in serene bliss as it calls your name. You move closer as the grip loosens on the slippers in your hand. Universe be with U

vegacollective 7 months ago

You are very welcome!

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sireingtons-cool-place 6 months ago

beyond the tides of the web / in the deeper seams / you can hear the screaming / no. no, that's wrong / that deduction is incorrect / for as you dig closer to the noise you find it / in jovial green and hardened faces flying / you float with them, flying / it's not what it seems / the screaming is truly laughing!

sireingtons-cool-place 6 months ago

on contrary sways of said laughter / blue twinkles in the bottom ponder / for in this depth oh so vast / you can stare into the past / for when you're so far deep between these pages / the bottom of this ocean looks like written ages / for when you can reminisce on old lies / this blue looks like the starry sky

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Cool site :D
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"I am (in sona lore) a humble piece of primordial ooze that splintered into a single minded conciousness! " is a brillant description of yourself! I liked it a lot.
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CreatedJul 21, 2024
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