Skull's Art Corner

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Hey guys, uh... two things. I had to cancel the charity streams as it was uh... unwatchable, to say the least, so.... yeah, sorry about that. In other news, I feel like I should probably try to revive the mess that my webpage is, so... you peeps got any drawing ideas?
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Okay, officially in the new place! still no streams for tomorrow since I still gotta unpack most stuff (the only things Ive done so far is getting my pc working because of me addiction), but yeah, expect a new stream on thursday!
Okay, first off, first 2 streams were GREAT, no really, it's been awesome! Unfortunately, Im not sure If I'll be able to stream today or tomorrow or even friday, but I promise Ill get back to it starting next week for sure 100%!
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First stream of the marathon happening in 20 minutes! see ya'll on twitch!
Love the website! Love the style you went for, very.... 90's? idk, Im too young to really decide :P but yeah, you got a nice artstyle and vision, keep it up! (btw do you have a button? would love to add yours to my button-wall page!)
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Your site iz so cute!!! I love the colour scheme and your lil persona guy <333 I also played your Ship Shift game, high score of 121!! (im very bad at video games)
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skulldollar 3 months ago

Lol, dont worry, I think my highscore on that was like, 214 at most? I did not program the game very well, so after like, 100 points, it becomes increasingly easier for all 3 to appear at the same time :P But thanks!

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Hey guys, so I got 2 good news: 1st, school year is over for me, so I got december and january (mostly) free :DDDD! and 2nd, I have decided on doing the month-long Friday Night Funkin Marathon over at my twitch, I still need to figure some stuff out, but I'll post the schedule here (or more precisely, in my gallery) once Im done, okie? I'd Love to see ya'll there :3
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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