hello room

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Thankyou so much to everyone who submitted a message to my LCD message board! The form is still open and will be for the foreseeable future so you can still submit :) I've changed it a bit so that the most recent message is displayed for 12 hours (I might change that if it's too long) and if there's nothing from the last 12 hours it shuffles randomly through previous messages
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Hey everyone! I have set up a little project that I want to try out. If you go to the google form that I'll link under this post, you can write a short message (max 16 characters) that will be displayed on an LCD screen sitting on my desk. I thought it'd be fun to see what people write :) It works by my raspberry pi checking for new responses every minute and displaying them on the LCD
hello-room 1 week ago

People have already submitted! I didn't expect it to be that fast, thankyou so much!!

wiredlotus 1 week ago

This is the coolest thing i've seen in a while

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Your site rocks
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Love this!! so nostalgic :'(
Thankyou so much for adding me :)
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This is so exciting! I love args and maybe one day I'll make my own :)
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hello-room 3 weeks ago

Thankyou!! I would love to see it :)

Hey everyone, I have finally put out the first part of my text adventure horror game! I'm really excited about it bc it took me ages to do but this is only the first part so there'll be more coming later. If you play it, please do let me know what you think or if there any problems. The link to it is on my homepage :))
rusty-bytes 3 weeks ago

this is very impressive- may I ask how you programmed this? I am also developing a text-based game about Rusty of course lol and want to share it with others if possible

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hello-room 3 weeks ago

omg a rusty text game would go so hard, I'd love to see that! I did all the programming for it in javascript and chose to make it totally from scratch to have a bit more control over the look and feel. Although unless you've got a lot of time on your hands I wouldn't recommend doing it that way cause it took me ages. I believe there are templates for text games available on the web so that

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hello-room 3 weeks ago

might be a more efficient option but ultimately the choice is yours :))

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ramcst 3 weeks ago

I loved the game !! I made a couple runs but didn't get very far yet, gonna keep on trying. Amazing work! :^)

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hello-room 3 weeks ago

Thankyou so much!! :))

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rusty-bytes 3 weeks ago

I'll have to look into the templates! Thank you for the advice!

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wiredlotus 3 weeks ago

It was really great hello-room! I loved the layout and system. I just wish it was more clear that solutions to puzzles are not exclusively diegetic, because i often tried to think in terms of what my character would know or be able to know and got stuck looking at the same objects in loop while believing I must have been missing something

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hello-room 3 weeks ago

Thankyou for the feedback :) To address this, I was thinking of maybe adding a command that shows the player all the objects in a room that can be examined/interacted with so they know when they've got everything and haven't missed something. If you have any more thoughts/suggestions feel free to message via email or discord :)

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CreatedOct 7, 2022
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