
345 updates
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guys stop spamming
guys stop spamming
guys stop spamming
guys stop spamming
guys stop spamming
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oh hello old website
how would you even give your views to htpg
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anthonynaber 8 years ago

It's called "GiveViewersToHTPG.exe" I have my own, there's only 3 in the world, I'm not sure who has the other two.

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heythatsprettygood 8 years ago

I also have one for safe keeping

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anthonynaber 8 years ago

Then.. who has the third one o-o

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redrum 8 years ago

You can't buy the game it buys you. 2spooky4me

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Dear spacecat you did an amazing job on explaining how to pronounce "joppiesaus" and I wanted to press "like" but instead I pressed "delete" and now I cry and would you please explain it again please I'm sorry I don goofed ♥♥♥♥♥♥ if only I could revert time😢
joppiesaus 8 years ago

it went something like "replace "cop" with "jop" and then "pee" and then "sauce". That's how you pronounce "joppiesaus""

signalsolonset 8 years ago

You're too powerful for your own good.

spacecat 8 years ago

replace the c in cop with an j, then say pee and lastly sauce.


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Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedNov 16, 2016
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