
188 updates
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scketchzone 6 months ago

After way too much trial and error, the comments on the front page work right!!!! (explodes)

scketchzone 6 months ago

I also did some code cleanup for my pages

scketchzone 6 months ago

(Ignore the Arcane Aim on the preview you don't see that)

scketchzone 6 months ago

Changed how the front page works, choosing a new rss Feed refreshes the page before loading it because commento++ was freaking out with the other way I had it.

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scketchzone 6 months ago

Tried to get the comments to work on the page instead of making people go to my Tumblr, but I have no idea how to make commento work in multiple spots in one page, so right now it's broken. (explodes)

Painstakingly figured out how to self-host my comments since they kept getting taken down when I was using Railway. huzzah
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scketchzone 1 year ago

They're still on the Tumblr page instead of directly on this page, but I don't know how I would skip the Tumblr step anyways.

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scketchzone 1 year ago

Made my Art Tumblr use my custom theme on mobile (forgot to uncheck that) so the comments should show up on mobile now too

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Yello, I'm wondering if there are any plans for your tool to have RSS. Just so it would be easier to keep up with comics using Rarebit.
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scketchzone 1 year ago

Why use Caard when I can make my own,

scketchzone 1 year ago

Fixed the drawing of myself and now it resizes right (and stays in the right place) woo hoo

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scketchzone 1 year ago

Added an Animations tab to the Portfolio page

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scketchzone 2 years ago

Figured I should mention the comments on the website too. So long Vaporeon number updates...

Added a commenting system to the Tumblr posts that pop up on my page. You can't see the comments on this website, but if you click on the title of a post (it's the link in the orange area above the drawing) you can get to them. (You don't need a Tumblr account to comment)

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedFeb 17, 2016
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art gamedev