
345 updates
0 tips
I beat your jitterclick record.
chesto 8 years ago

omg wow ur so cool omg

spacecat 8 years ago

what did you gett tho

Letter from my slumber brother and I have been on a free website app for my slumber brother
if your website had more than 3 colours would the universe explode?
pasin5 8 years ago


2bit 8 years ago

It's actually 4 colors, but yes, it would explode.

1 like
Hi, can you make any better ad for me please? I have worked too much to ad your page...?
spacecat 8 years ago

no, im fine if you replace my ad with just text

i decided to let you guys ask me questions on my profile i will answer them
Hey bro, what do you think about your ad in my page, how it look like? :D
spacecat 8 years ago

cool thanks

1 like
ahh you have done, thank you, im working about your ad and some others...
would you do it now?
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedNov 16, 2016
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neocities coolman projects