- Fantasy Worlds of Aywren Sojourner

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More updates for the Fan Archives Official Art Gallery today! I’ve added three new pieces to the Other Artwork section. I’ve also created two new sections: SD Character Artwork and Nation Crests!
I did some work on the Fan Archives today. Namely, made the page viewport taller and got rid of the sidebar on the left to give more viewing room. I also added a new Japanese character relationship chart to the Cast page. The Official Art Gallery section has had a small makeover - I've implemented a new modal pop-up for viewing images. I also replaced a couple of the smaller pieces with higher quality images.
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I'm very happy to announce that I've finished moving over the content of the first full project to this site. You'll find a new section for the Nefol Game Project - a page dedicated to an attempt for Syn and I to create our own RPG. The project is on hold for the time being, but we had a lot of fun and learned a lot from the experience. All of that is captured there.
I know it seems quiet around here, but I'm actually hard at work moving over the Darkstar section of this site. I'll reveal it once it's all ready and done! Other than that, I added one lovely new link to my Mutuals section. Thank you for linking me!

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedDec 23, 2020
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videogames writing art fantasy gaming