- Fantasy Worlds of Aywren Sojourner

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sygnusstar 3 years ago

Thank you very much! I've added the code as instructed. Happy to be part of the ring! :)

I've finished the layout rework for the Fan Archives Official Art Gallery! So now, all galleries have thumbnails and each piece of art has its own page. The two setions that I completed today were the Nintendo Power archive and the Other Artwork section.
I've started the first part of the Fan Archives Official Art Gallery overhaul today. I updated all of the Amano artwork section with thumbnails and individual pages for each image. Much improved! I'll be tackling the remaining two sections before adding new images to the gallery!
The first part of the gallery reconstruction is complete! I've updated the Playstation CGI Movie gallery of the Fan Archives to use thumbnail images instead of text links, and given every screenshot its own page. I hope to continue to revamp the rest of the galleries in a similar way going forward!

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedDec 23, 2020
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videogames writing art fantasy gaming