
2,628 updates
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oh my goddddd, two youtubers i'm subscribed to got hacked by cryptobros in the same week. i thought we were done with this crap.
i might end up making a blog post tomorrow talking about whatever's revealed on Pokémon Day. i'm still gonna wait to fully restore the site once CheetoMan.EXE isn't screwing everything over, but making a pared down blog section for harmless stuff like talking about games SHOULD be fine. (i hope.)
queenofbluescreens 1 week ago

surprise update! i went ahead and added the neighbors section back, so that there's at least SOMETHING to do and look at besides a blank screen.

follow-up post: i promise i'm okay! my mom and i both came to the conclusion that temporarily getting rid of everything would be the safest thing for me to do right now, given literally everything that's going on.
just had a talk with my mom, and i'm taking down everything on my site until further notice.
badgraph1csghost 1 week ago

what? not to pry, but why? :'(

astrossoundhell 1 week ago

Whatever happened, stay safe v_v

queenofbluescreens 1 week ago

with everything going on right now, my mom and i both decided that it's a lot safer for me to scrub everything for right now, and reupload everything once everything's not so shitty. that's basically what's going on.

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queenofbluescreens 1 week ago

(also WOW, i said "everything" a lot LMAO)

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queenofbluescreens 1 week ago

i'll still be lurking around on here, but i won't be making any site changes for a while.

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badgraph1csghost 1 week ago

what aubery said: stay safe

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maehat 1 week ago

stay safe.

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queenofbluescreens 2 weeks ago

just decided to say fuck it and reuploaded all of my art lmao

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Question: Should I make a separate, secret blog page for any potential NSFW posts?
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queenofbluescreens 2 weeks ago

And I guess while I'm thinking about it: Does anyone know what the situation is with those NFT bots that were going around earlier?

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badgraph1csghost 2 weeks ago

even after disabling my art gallery, i still get random spikes of 14000+ hits so idk what's going on anymore.

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CreatedNov 1, 2023
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