4,092 updates
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no context spoiler: goth wife and her christian boywife whos spreading the word of god at your doorstep. god i wish i could post images here this panel is just too funny. its the first panel of page 202. please witness it
im going to start putting comment sections w my comic i think itd be silly and fun
holy fuck this page is taking forever. protip: dont use the airbrush as a main lineart brush this is IMPOSSOBLE TO COLOR IN. this is marked as a test page now. im not using the airbrush as a brush for the rest of the comic even if it is usper pretty. maybe i will once i get back on my feet but hmmm
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sorry guys dialtown has done things to my psyche
hey guys watch this (updates kinlist)
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i'm on bad terms with the person who inspired me to start my own webcomic but i DO still want to thank them for both introducing me to neocities and inspiring me to create this comic, along with their other friends. As much as I hate to admit when someone I don't like has done good in my life, I am glad I met them and I am glad this comic was started. It was fun to make (sometimes) and while I'm not entirely happy---
theburied 2 years ago

---with the overall product, I'm glad to have been on this journey. To those who have been here since rudeappetite, I wholeheartedly thank you and love you. :) Thank you for being on this journey with me, even if isn't quite over yet.

god... chapter10 is soon. i WILL get emotional.
mesons poppy star star fan discord server /HALFJOKE. maybe an art discord alongside it idk. hangout for the mpss fans
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how does a soundcloud song for official mp/ss soundtracks? :)
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thinking about restart mp-ss :) <3 i know how i want to do it. daily mini comics with monthly plot relevent updates that are much longer and include song!
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theburied 2 years ago

obviously the mini comics wont be rendered and neither will the monthly plot relevent updates. i'm thinking of manga styled black/white/grey for both. monthly updates will include cover pages :)

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedFeb 20, 2020
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